No Surrender, Busters!! It was the enjoynableness last friday night!!
It was my first and last TRIAL TOUR show. I couldn't schedule only this show because I already had some schedules on the other dates. And the night was my first Zepp Namba. Zepp Osaka is familiar to us busters, but it closed in April and a new Zepp called Zepp Namba opened. The night was also the first time for the pillows.
I was deeply impressed with 持ち主のないギター. Sawao's shout of the latter half was strongly touching. I clearly remember his reverbed shout. I want to listen this tune again someday.
Almost all audiences didn't raise thier hand during エネルギヤ. I didn't know why. エネルギヤ is the very dancable tune. Of cource I raised my hand forcefully during それは僕を動かすエネルギー … .
Sawao said "This is our new theme song", it's トライアル. I can't help taking the lyric of TRIAL so seriously because I'm forties this year as sawao is forties. The lyric is very realistic but full of hope. "絶望感の暗闇を 何度も抜け出したはずだ"
They played ICE PICK and TRIP DANCER. The tunes is bery popular with busters and very great, but I was very pleased that they played サードアイ. サードアイ is the one of the most favorite tunes.
The double encore was NO SURRENDER. We Japanese busters always remind 3/11 listening this tune. I want them to play this tune until we Japanese really unite and rebuild after 3/11.
Sawao said "It's our first sliver tapes." and I successfully caught that. This picture is that. That is printed below: "THANK YOU VERY MUCH, I LIKE YOU BUSTERS!!"